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Investment properties in Liezen and the surrounding area

Invest with foresight and benefit from our comprehensive knowledge of the real estate market. KR Real offers you an exclusive selection of attractive investment properties throughout the Ennstal and beyond

Whether apartment buildings with solid returns or tourist investment apartments in top locations - every property in our portfolio represents a carefully considered opportunity for your capital. Rely on our professional advice and commitment and discover your opportunities in the investment property sector now - lay the foundation for your personal investment in the region.

61,19 sqm
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder
51,58 sqm
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder
27,49 sqm
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder
51,58 sqm 1
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder
51,58 sqm
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder
Well maintained and in a quiet location! Second ho ...
8913 Admont
46,63 sqm
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder
46,63 sqm
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder
46,63 sqm 1
Alprima Aparthotel, your home on vacation
4573 Hinterstoder

1 2 3 4

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