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Gewerbeobjekte in Schladming, Liezen und Umgebung

In our range of commercial properties for the  Schladming and Liezen region you will find prestigious office space, functional practice areas or inviting business premises. Our real estate specialists are on hand with help and advice to help you find the ideal property for your business ambitions in the region.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Alternatively, you can also create a search request for each property type with us. As a prioritized customer in our system, you enjoy the advantage of being made aware of exclusive purchase opportunities in the region at an early stage.

94,00 sqm
Start your own business! Geschäftsfläche im Zentru ...
8940 Liezen
297,00 sqm
Spacious office space on the main square
8970 Schladming
1.340,00 sqm
Free of commission! Warehouse in Liezen. More spac ...
8940 Liezen
202,31 sqm
START YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Business space in Gröbmin ...
8962 Gröbming
68,00 sqm
Let's meet at Finkenkeller! THE cult bar in Irdni ...
8952 Irdning


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